12 Days of FITTED
We'll be starting the New Year off with a "BANG" with another 12 Days of FITTED Instagram Contest! This year's prize is a never-to-be-released SAMPLE Snapback! We will be randomly selecting a winner upon successful completion of the 12 Days of FITTED contest. Contest starts at 12am HST Christmas Day, Dec 25th and runs to Jan 5th midnight HST. Please have all daily entries in by midnight HST. If you repost this 12 Days of FITTED flyer BEFORE the contest starts on Christmas Day, it can be used as a "wild card" for one of your 12 days, in case you forget a day, miss a hashtag, etc.
12 Days of FITTED Rules:
- Upload one new pic a day for the 12 Days of Christmas
- Must have at least one FITTED product in every pic
- Must be following @FITTED
- Hashtag #fittedhawaii #alohaserveddaily #12daysofFITTED
- Winner will receive a sample snapback (never to be released)
Good luck and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the FITTED ʻohana!