Much like Kakūhihewa, King Piʻilani, Mauiʻs Mōʻi o Maui (Supreme Ruler of Maui) was known for bringing peace and prosperity under his rule, with a strong focus on unification.
The 16th century crowned head was wondrously and divinely born of the god Kū and Oʻahuʻs Princess Kapalaoa, the Queen Consort of Maui. According to legend, Kū arrived in the form of the "Dragon God of Laa," a physical manifestation he often showed up in as the God of Power and Destruction. Following the sacred encounter, the newborn was given the name Piʻilani–which literally means "Ascent to Heaven" to "memorialize the visitation of the divine Kū."
Piʻilaniʻs vision for the future of Hawaiʻi (Maui in particular) was complementary to another ruler who weʻve covered in the past, Kekūhaupiʻo–the man behind our Mua hat. While canoes were the primary means of transportation in ancient Hawaiʻi, Piʻilani expressed a need to connect the island of Maui–feeling it was his kuleana–and did so by laying down the first phase foundation for what would eventually become Kingʻs Highway in West Maui.
The 138-mile-long road was previously known as the Ala Loa Kihapiʻilani trail, and proved vital in facilitating an easy means of transportation. While Piʻilani passed away before his vision was completed, the greatly admired aliʻiʻs son, Kiha-a-Piʻilani would see to it that the highway would be fully constructed, eventually uniting the entire island of Maui. The road would be used by mules, steers, and horses, the latter which was newly introduced to the islands during the 19th century
Piʻilaniʻs progressive idealism, which also included building fishponds and irrigation systems, would ultimately lead to an affluent agricultural boom, and in turn, a population content with life. Another indelible landmark connected to the impressive, innovative leader is the Piʻilanihale heiau (literally "House of Piʻilani"), the largest and most well-preserved of its kind in the entire Hawaiian island chain. While the foundation for this spiritual place of worship is said to have been laid as early as the 13th century and may have been built by Hana chiefs when the island was divided, it was Pi'ilani who rededicated the heiau for a more sacred purpose.
It is because of these historical and remarkable achievements that moved and inspired us to create a specific logo perfectly named "Vanguard," honoring Piʻilaniʻs revolutionary vision for a unified and peaceful Maui.