Releasing Sunday, June 14th.

Zig-zags. Rollies. Papers. Whatever you choose to call it, it's all the same, innit? Common
household pothead tobacco accoutrement. Now I bet you didn't know there's a much more in depth story behind the graphic featured on the widely-known "tobacco rolling paper." The character featured on the graphic is of
Zouave, which is a common title given to a select few infrantry regiments in the French Army. The first Zouaves were enlisted by the Zouaoua tribes whom lived in the mountains of the Jurjura range. In the 1960s, Zig-Zag published viral leaflets with the Zouave character featuring the caption
"Captain Zig-Zag wants YOU!", akin to the
political Uncle Sam war posters.
This shirt features the notorious graphic from the tobacco rolling paper company in brown, blue and tan. If you look closely, you might spot the hidden tri-locks in the graphic. To go along with it is a New York Yankees custom in all brown with a wheat brim and green underside.