This Saturday (Halloween) we have a crazy release: an all black tee with a graphic printed behind a silhouette of the Honolulu city skyline. We may not be a flourishing metropolis city like Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco or New York City, but we do have a beautiful skyline (one of the greatest, if we may say so ourselves) - no overkill on the skyscrapers either. Add a beautiful sunset to fall below that skyline, and you have something astonishing and spectacular. Along with this tee is a new Aloha New Era covered in purple with a green tint to it, green brim and brown suede underbill with a white Aloha logo. The inside features a nice montage of an old Hawaiian graphic. Sophisticated and refined with a contrast of evilness (in a good way). Happy Halloween! Be safe and have fun; don't be jacking your little brothers and sisters hard earned candy. You're too old for that anyway, right?