[Model Ryan Yamamoto looking toward the site of the old Honolulu Fort.]
Aloha kākou!
As many of you know, we here at FITTED have a deep affinity for Hawaiian culture and we enjoy passing anything we learn on to our friends and family. This Saturday, we have a special quickstrike release, aptly titled “Kekuanohu.” Utilizing our newly dubbed Kulāiwi (homeland) graphic, we pay homage to the old Honolulu Fort.
In the early 19th century, King Kamehameha granted Russian fur traders permission to build a simple storehouse close to where Aloha Tower stands today, but they instead constructed a fort and raised their Russian flag. When King Kamehameha learned of this, he kicked them out and claimed the fort as his own, eventually adding many large-caliber guns along the walls, which gave the fort its clever nickname “Kekuanohu” (the back of the scorpion fish).
Mahalo to Christian Yee, who did a great write-up on this story. Please check out his blog, Pohukaina Cave, for more info and images on Fort Kekuanohu.

[Old photo of the Honolulu Fort.]