Aloha kakou!
Once again, weʻve brought back yet another fan favorite influenced by an iconic graphic from the 80s, our Locally Owned tee. The first time we ran with this, it was seen on an all black zip-up hoody. This time around weʻve translated it into an all black tee, albeit in the same featured colors: red, white and black. Up next we have a gray melton wool Mua with black brim, white Mua and red New Era and top button hits, white crest on the back. And finally, for the ladies, weʻve got an all black v-neck dubbed Je Tʻaime which translates from French into English, I Love You. The graphic features a white heart made out of a trilock pattern with Je Tʻaime in red script, with our trademark logo for womenʻs tees on the back in red. See yʻall Thursday!