'Til this day, the story behind whether Captain Cook was first revered by the royal family (the native Hawaiian's naively believed Cook to be a transmigration of the soul in the form of Lono, the God of War), then eventually killed when it was learned that Cook was indeed mortal, is still highly debated by native Hawaiian scholars, historians and anthropologists. What is known is the bad seeds that were planted during his visit and short-lived stay; sexually transmitted diseases, mosquitoes and other epidemics, as well as communal diseases that spread through the social lives of the native Hawaiians, including prostitution and a heavy case of disillusion. This eventually led to many social and economic changes that we all still suffer from up until today. The blood that spilled onto the land and into the water that day may never cover up the fact that we were ultimately plagued with these biological and social diseases that Cook and his crew planted here, but it's a strong reminder that the bearer of those bad seeds ceases to exist and can no longer sprout his immoral and detrimental fruit.
The t-shirt illustrates the final moment of Cook's life on the front of the tee. The back features a red crown. The hat pictured above is a Milwaukee Brewers (Cooperstown), a logo rarely seen these days. The hat features yellow eyelets, red button and green "Milwaukee M" logo.