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Get familiar with the Go Green Initiative and it's five principles:
G enerate compost. This is nature's way of recycling. Through basic and worm composting programs, children learn about ecology, biology and waste reduction.
R ecycle everything that cannot be reused and purchase items that can be recycled. With fast shrinking landfill space and diminishing natural resources, recycling has never been more important. Recycling items such as paper, plastic, aluminum and ink cartridges reduces toxic greenhouse gas emissions and conserves energy. Manage E-waste by finding creative solutions to divert obsolete computer parts, cell phones and other such devices from the waste stream. Schools that recycle provide much-needed materials to manufacturers who produce recycled products.
E ducate students, teachers and parents on environmentally-responsible behavior. When students, teachers and parents work together to make their schools environmentally friendly, they are more likely to take the same behaviors into their off campus lives. Our goal is to create environmentally responsible school communities throughout the nation and across the globe.
E valuate the environmental impact of every activity. Identify products and practices that could threaten the health of children and the world around them. Consider improving the campus environment with activities such as eliminating excessive energy consumption; evaluating the toxicity of pesticides used in classrooms and on playgrounds; improving outdoor air quality through increased carpooling efforts; and working to improve indoor air quality.
N ationalize the principles of responsible paper consumption. Consider purchasing post consumer recycled paper and office products. Use technology to communicate electronically as much as possible. Seek ways to provide Internet access to all school families. -via- GoGreenInitiative.
Let's help preserve our land and recycle....

A is for AKAHAI, meaning kindness, to be expressed with a feeling of tenderness.
L is for LÔKAHI, meaning unity, to be expressed with a feeling of harmony.
O is for `OLU`OLU, meaning agreeable, to be expressed with a feeling of pleasantness.
H stands for HA`AHA`A, meaning humility, to be expressed with a feeling of modesty.
A stands for AHONUI, meaning patient, to be applied with perseverance.