Aloha kākou!
We at FITTED tend to consume a lot of beverages on a daily basis, so we’ve decided get a head start on a small New Year’s resolution of being better at recycling and creating less waste! Aside from each of your personal resolutions, we hope you all will join us in doing small acts of aloha to better the world we live in. No matter how small you think your contribution may be, any action in the right step is a plus!
With that being said, start recycling your holiday beverages and save the receipts! In conjunction with New Era, we will be releasing a new hat on Tuesday, January 1, that is made completely of recycled bottles. If you recycle and save the receipt with the dollar amount you made, FITTED will match that amount and subtract that from the cost of the hat when purchasing on January 1. This offer will only be valid on January 1 and we will accept receipts dated in the months of October, November, and December, 2018.
Mahalo and happy holidays!