Aloha kākou!
For our Spring 2016 collection, rather than look elsewhere for inspiration, we chose to turn our attention to those closest to us—our FITTED ‘ohana. This season, we’re getting up close and personal with our “hui” (Hawaiian for club or company), as we allowed each of our team members to dream up two hats, each utilizing their choice of silhouette (59FIFTY fitted or 9FIFTY snapback), front logo, color-blocking, and materials—resulting in unique pieces that hold special value to the team members that created them. A few of our stockists on the Mainland will release their own store exclusives in the near future as well. Please note that all hats in this collection were produced in limited quantities.
Each piece has a special story behind it, and what better way to hear those stories than from the creators themselves? Every release will be authored by the team member responsible for that design, for an even more personal touch. This Spring season, we hope to share a little more about our hui with you.
Name: Alia Calicdan
AKA: Alia Aiko
Title/Position: Store Manager
Favorite place in Hawaii? 1240 N School St. Honolulu, HI 96817
One thing you can't live without? My family & my doggies
What are you doing when you aren't working? Reading, eating, and/or just kickin it with friends.
Favorite FITTED hat? Anything ʻĀina or Kulāiwi
What inspires you? The youth's imagination & creativity.
By Alia Calicdan
Inspiration. It’s everywhere we are. It could be the struggle or the success of a matter; or maybe it’s the music you listen to. My inspiration consistently comes from my Grandpa George. Grandpa George is my dad’s father, but the second I was born; we were inseparable. Everywhere he went, I followed. Everything he did, I copied. You get the picture…we were two peas in a freaking pod! A lot of credit goes to him for the person I am today, for the woman I am still becoming. Unfortunately, he passed away in May of 2002, and while I keep my relationship with him very close to my heart…I want to share one of my most treasured memories with you.
Both of my parents were at work, and I must’ve been about four years old. Grandpa and I were cold chillin’ at home when I heard him yelp. He’d stepped on a thumbtack! I was a kid and assumed he was seriously injured. So I did what any other four year old would...I played “make believe”, and of course my grandpa played along. I was the doctor and he was my patient. Hahaha. With the thumbtack still in his heel, I told him to stay calm and lay down. Once he was relaxed, I called 911. Hey! My parents taught me – in case of an emergency, call 911. Anyway, I got the operator on the phone and told her the situation. I’m pretty sure she giggled, and, bless her heart, she played along too. I was instructed to slowly remove the thumbtack from his heel and be careful not to poke myself in the process. The operator asked if I knew where the band-aids in my home were, and luckily I had my own stash (Kero Kero Keroppi of course! And if you don’t know, YOU BETTER ASK SOMEBODY). Boom! I slapped that froggy band aid on and he was brand new! In that moment, I was so proud. Grandpa George gave me a hug and a kiss and made us lunch like nothing happened.
Later that day, my parents came home to a message on the answering machine. It was the operator I had spoken to earlier, checking in on us. Without asking any questions, mom and dad assumed I got into some kind of trouble. But, my grandpa had my back and explained what had happened. They all laughed hysterically, and I was just confused. Haha. My mom asked Grandpa George, “Why didn’t you just tell her you were OK?” My dad joined in, “Yeah, why didn’t you just tell her?” I didn’t stay around to listen to gramps’ reply. Grown up talk can get very boring.
I’m the oldest of two, so naturally I’m a nurturer. Making sure others are okay has always been a priority for me. Thinking back now, Grandpa George did a fine job catering to one of my strongest suits. When I turned seven, he brought this story up to me. He told me what his reply to my parents were, and it’s stuck with me ever since. I can almost hear his voice as I type this... Alia, I didn’t stop you from calling 911, because you were helping me. That is your nature, to care for others. Always help others to your best capabilities, and let others help you. You have a big heart and bright eyes, never lose that Alia.
Twenty years later, I’m still learning from him. People can be ugly creatures and the world can seem dark at times. I choose to love hard and find the silver lining. I have a big heart and bright eyes, and I'll never lose that.
I chose the ‘Āina design because it’s one of my favorites. Hawaii is my home, and our culture is unlike any other. The color way is simple: white pebbled leather with grey embroidery and black undervisor, because it reminds me of Grandpa George’s “salt and pepper” hair. Oh, and the curved bill is an homage to his swag. George Navarro Calicdan, rest in paradise.