Aloha kakou!
This pack is partially influenced by the Home Rule Party, which was created in 1900, as Native Hawaiians worried that the Democrat & Republican parties would be unable to represent them. THRP was created as an alternative for both the Republicans and Democrats, as Hawaiians and locals alike feared if someone was elected out of the two opposing parties, they would not be represented properly. The Home Rule Party elected Robert William Wilcox (who we've mentioned in a few past projects) as their first representative for the U.S. Congress from Territory of Hawai'i. The Home Rule Party would later be reincarnated as the Aloha 'Aina party which eventually merged with former Honolulu Mayor Frank Fasi's Best Party of Hawai'i. The product: A white t-shirt in red, white and blue with a homage to political campaign signs from the 90s, which reads FITTED Gets It Done. Releasing alongside is a navy blue Slaps Wind. Big shout out and salute to all of the veterans who sacrificed their lives for America and America's interest!
