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Releasing exclusively in-store and online this Saturday, March 19th at 11am HST.Please note that because of the A-Frame’s unique fit, there will be two sizes to choose from: “Small–Medium” should fit sizes 6 7/8–7 1/2 while “Medium–Large” should fit sizes 7 1/4–7 3/4.Photo: @toshiichiAloha kākou!For our Spring 2016 collection, rather than look elsewhere for inspiration, we chose to turn our attention to those closest to us—our FITTED ‘ohana. This season, we’re getting up close and personal with our “hui” (Hawaiian for club or company), as we allowed each of our team members to dream up two hats, each utilizing their choice of silhouette (59FIFTY fitted or 9FIFTY snapback), front logo, color-blocking, and materials—resulting in unique pieces that hold special value...

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Releasing Tuesday, August 6th.Aloha kākou!We believe that in order to keep Hawaiian culture alive, one of the most important steps in the process is sowing the seed (or instilling the Knowledge and Wisdom in our keiki). Today's generation is plagued with disinformation, similar to how Monsanto is slowly destroying organic farms and crops with their GMOs. Metaphorically, the idea of dis/misinformation and deliberately keeping the Knowledge of our rich culture away from our Keiki is parallel to destroying those same seeds we're sowing into our children, much like the glyphosate herbicides Monsanto uses to "cure" their crops. That's why it's up to us as elders and ʻIke guardians to be able to hold on to the purity of this Knowledge...

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