Releasing Tuesday, August 14th.Aloha kakou!For this hot, humid ass summer, we've brought back our Pacific Vibrations in a black tanktop with white print. The graphic is a nod to Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures, while representing our brethren in San Francisco and Los Angeles. We're also releasing a green Mua New Era Snapback with black Mua logo and brim, white New Era, crest and snap.
Releasing Tuesday, July 17thAloha kakou!Another Tuesday release update: We're releasing a FITTED logo tee with a Tahitian girl fill on an all black tee, along with a new black Mua with gold, red and brown stitching. See you all tomorrow!Mahalo
Releasing Tuesday, July 10thAloha kakou!Quick update for tomorrow's release: Brought back a classic by the true definition of the word: Our Les Murakami UH inspired Mua, in green, white with red, yellow, green, blue and black - along with two matching Native tees: green and white & black and white. Both tees have a white crown hit on the back. See you tomorrow!
Releasing Saturday, June 30thAloha kakou!Saturday's release: All Red Mua fitted New Era with hints of gold, orange and brown with orange New Era logo hit and red & orange crest hit on the back.
Releasing tomorrow, June 26thBUY IT NOWAloha kakou!Quick update: Releasing a new Mua tomorrow in grey melton wool with black, black metallic pearl and tonal grey Mua logo, with black brim.